PAPER GIRLS – Episodes 1 & 2 – speculative recap – SPOILERS Erin Tieng (Ali Wong) is awakened before dawn by unexpected noises coming from her kitchen. She uses a landline to leave a phone message for a friend alerting …
PAPER GIRLS – Episodes 3, 4, & 5 – speculative recap – SPOILERS On the day the Paper Girls arrive in 2019, Larry Radowski (Nate Coddry) records a message reminding himself of who he is. He does so to safeguard …
PAPER GIRLS – Season 1 Episodes 6-8 – SPOILERS On her birthday, Mac (Sofia Rosinsky) tells KJ (Fina Strazza) about her fatal illness, and the two of them decide to visit Mac’s grave. The gravestone has only the years of …
BELLA SWAY – Moonhaven – Emma MacDonald Bella is a pilot shuttling cargo and people between Earth (where human civilization is in its death throes) and the Moon, specifically a 1300 square kilometer colony called Moonhaven, a multi-generational think tank …