Aztecs, The Sisterhood, and Agent Orange
VAN HELSING – Episodes 5.4 & 5.5 – SPOILERS
In “State of the Union” (Episode 5.4) Doc (Rukiya Bernard) is able to cure Axel and Julius of the effects of the orange chemical cloud they ran into at the end of Season Four. (Doc created a substance that kills daywalkers but the army decided to deploy it before testing was complete, and quickly found out that it kills both daywalkers and humans (except when it turns certain vampires into giant, nearly invulnerable mutants). Julius (Aleks Paunovic) refers to the stuff as Agent Orange, so it probably is an intended historical reference to that. Axel tells Doc that Jolene (Caroline Cave) is still alive and that he knows where she is. Doc immediately retires from the war against vampires (after providing the boys with bullets coated with the orange stuff) and sends them on their way. Then she heads directly to the appropriately named Loveland (about 15 miles to the South) where she reunites with Jolene, whom she met in Episode 2.2, but hadn’t seen since Episode 3.9. Doc and Jolene are the second couple on VAN HELSING to survive The Rising. The first was Flesh (Vincent Gale) and his wife Jennifer (Holly Elissa), who reunited in Episode 4.6.
When time-traveling Jack (Nicole Munoz) bit the Dark One, she did not draw blood. What came out of that neck wound was some of the Dark One’s smokey essence, which Jack temporarily held within herself and then transferred to the amulet (the blood vial carried by generations of Van Helsings). As this occurred, a visible change in the amulet was noted by Violet (Keeya King) centuries later. This made Violet briefly open the amulet, allowing a small fraction of the Dark One’s trapped essence to escape. Once freed, the tiny black cloud quickly returned to the Dark One and she used the newfound power it gave her to create a demon called a vanator (Romanian for “hunter”) to seek out the rest of what Jack had stolen from her, with disastrous results for the what remained of the Sisterhood, whose local members had by then all been turned human by Violet.
In “Sisterhunt” (Episode 5.5), three rehumanized members of the Sisterhood are killed (one way or another) by the vanator. In the end, only Ivory (Jennifer Cheon Garcia) is left, (although she has granted Violet a sort of honourary Sisterhood). We learn in the process that Ivory and Zuma (Kat Ruston) were from the same village, and Spaniards burned them at the stake for refusing to convert to Christianity. Given their current location (western North America) this would most likely make them Aztecs, and make 1520 the probable year that Michaela prevented their deaths and brought them into the Sisterhood. It seems that Michaela’s Sisterhood was well established by the sixteenth century, and even then extended as far as the Americas. (Given the age and extent of the organization Michaela created, it is possible that other chapters of the Sisterhood still thrive elsewhere in the world.) Violet manages to kill the vanator before it can destroy Ivory. Of the sisters, Mira (Brianna Skye) died in the most dramatic manner, decapitating herself with swords.