Who was the biological father of Vanessa and Scarlett? Their mother never says anything about the matter and neither of the twins ever asks. The most logical reason for Abigail’s silence is that she simply doesn’t know. In “Black Days” …
VAN HELSING – Thoughts on Episodes 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 – SPOILERS The first three episodes of VAN HELSING Season Five are really a spinoff mini-series in which Jack (Nicole Munoz) travels to eighteenth century Transylvania with the aim of …
VAN HELSING – Episodes 5.4 & 5.5 – SPOILERS In “State of the Union” (Episode 5.4) Doc (Rukiya Bernard) is able to cure Axel and Julius of the effects of the orange chemical cloud they ran into at the end …
VAN HELSING – Thoughts on the end of Season Five – SPOILERS Callie (Macie Juiles), who was rescued from Seattle’s vampire-infested streets by Vanessa and Mohamed (Trezzo Mahoro) in Episode 1.4, and turned up (sometimes unexpectedly) in nine other episodes, …
SPOILERS — For the first three seasons of VAN HELSING, the life expectancy of the average character was not long. Of the 13 credited characters in the first episode, eight were deceased by the end of the thirty-ninth episode. Some …
Marci T House (Major Stoker in “Seen You“) was nominated for Best Supporting Performance in a Dramatic Series (Female) for the TRIBAL episode “It’s All in Your Headdress“, in which Chief of Tribal Police Sam Woodburn (Jessica Matten) and her …
JANUARY January 1 1987 – Jeff Gulka (diminutive man in “Together Forever”) – British Columbia January 4 1987 – Chelsey Reist (Kelly in “Been Away”) – Edmonton, Alberta January 8 1983 – Christopher Russell (Theo in “Fresh Tendrils”) – Toronto, …
Tricia Helfer (Dracula in 9 episodes) is Gloria in THE GREAT SALISH HEIST, the story of Steve Joe (Darrell Dennis), an archeologist nearing rock bottom who believes he can stop the downward trajectory of his life by reclaiming the artefacts …