Thus Strangely Are Our Souls Constructed
ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES – Season 1 Episode 3 – SPOILERS ⁓
Charlie (Zariella Langford) accidentally finds the two handguns that Tina (Eva Everett Irving) keeps under lock and key, and they remind her of recent unpleasant events. Charlie tries to confess to a police officer, and after Tina calms the cop’s concerns by showing him her military ID, she and Jack arrange a mock funeral for the dead agent, with Charlie’s stuffed toy serving as surrogate corpse.

In a scene that brings to mind Cosima‘s friendship with Scott on Orphan Black, Kira contacts Josh (Izad Etemadi), who assures her that the printer that made Lucy was properly calibrated.
In the episode’s best scene, they bury the toy in the backyard and Charlie gets to tell the absent deceased: “I’m sorry you’re dead now.”
Meanwhile, Emily (Tattiawana Jones) has noted the fatal bullet’s angle of entry, and deduced that the man was likely shot by someone shorter than Lucy. After failing to convince her superiors of this, she privately advises Manning: “If you want to keep Lucy safe, just get to her before we do.” Emily once worked for the U.S. State Department. Manning believes she is ex-CIA.
In the backstory fed to her by neuropsychologist Dr. Pam Teller (Marnie McPhail). Jules’ parents, Monica and Nicholas Anderson, were killed in a head-on collision with a driverless truck. Jules survived because she was in the back seat.

Dr. Pam Teller (Marnie McPhail)
The Andersons lived in Florida, but were visiting Boston because Jules’ mother wanted to see Fenway Park. Both her parents worked in shipping. (In Episode Two, Tom (Reed Diamond) mentions that Paul Darros made his money in shipping.)
At the time of the accident, Jules was in Grade 11 (having skipped a grade), and she he had a dog named “Sparkle Fatty“. Two artefacts from her past life, a stuffed toy and her diary, were forwarded to her by the Lewis family, whose daughter Payton (Tehya Silbermann) was Jules’ only visitor in rehab.

David Stanley Fagerland (His full name is on his website, but in the show’s credits he’s listed only as Dave.)
At her request, Wes (Liam Diaz) reads excerpts from Jules’ diary to her, and one snippet catches her attention: “I gallop and take flight toward a destination unknown. Forever wild. Forever free. Forever me.” It turns out to be a quote from a book called “Pegasus Girl” by David Stanley Fagerland (Duane Murray), and the website lists an address.
When Jules and Wes meet Mr. Fagerland, he is wearing a laser hat to stimulate hair growth and watching a black and white monster movie on television. Fagerland admits to writing Jules’ journal. “They told me it was for a study, okay?” he says. “Some new therapy technique. But, listen to me, you can’t tell them you know, okay? And I think they’re still watching me.”

The creature on Fagerland’s TV. The part of the brain where short-term memories are made long-term is the hippocampus, and the name comes from two Greek words: ‘hippos’ (horse) and ‘kampos’ (sea monster).
Kira Manning is the daughter of a Leda clone, so it is not unreasonable that her people printing project might be named after the winged horse. Pegasus was created by mixing the blood of a dead Gorgon with sea foam, and the constellation Pegasus is next door to the constellation Cygnus (The Swan). Fagerland might have heard the name of the project when he was hired to create the bogus journal.
Jules goes back to Settlement House to have another talk with Lucy, and they discover that they both have the same recurring dream.
LUCY: “Yeah. I keep thinking if I could just see more details, I could figure out who we were.”
JULES: “I might be able to help with that…There’s this study drug at school. Kids have started snorting it lie the greedy meth-heads they are, and they’ve started to, like, dream trip.”
LUCY: “Where do you get it?”
JULES: “Myself. I make it.”
LUCY: “Of course, teenage version of me is a drug dealer.”
JULES: “Maybe if we try it together, we’ll be able to see something new.”

Jules and Claire in Chem class. Jules has a reaction to the pink liquid in the flask, much like Lucy’s reaction to power steering fluid in Episode One.
It was Jules’ friend Claire (Eman Ayaz) who told her about the effects of snorting the drug. Jules and Claire are intimately involved, but they are not a couple. Jules has commitment issues, which likely are connected to uncertainty about her past.
When Jules gets home, her foster parents meet her with stern words and insist she take an antidepressant prescribed by Dr. Teller. She swallows it, then goes to her room and pukes up the pill.